Fill in the blanks. In an experiment to note the temperature of ice as heat is supplied to it till it is completely converted into water the temperature as noted by a student at the instant when complete ice just melted will be Ice Ice Water Water 1 0C 2 0C gradually rising to 100C 3 0C suddenly rising to 100C 4 none of these 30. Keep A Candle Burning Underwater Activity Education Com Cool Science Experiments Science Fair Projects Science Lessons 5 6-year-old kids can experiment this by noting time and they can learn how much oxygen is required to burn the candle. . The wire core in the wick helps the wick to remain standing straight while the candle is being poured and when the candle is lit. Even a VB scented candle. 80 W Temperature. Astro Gold Edition 5990 AVEC BIJOU. Farm labor wages and earnings 1890 earnings by US. Because as every aussie knows VB is the scent of romance. B oxygen that is the suppor...